17 September 2010


With the looming long weekend last week (3 days), what could be a better way to spend it than to visit my favorite (now) trail route - Miyamit Falls. First, a call to Jerry Guaio who graciously hosted our first visit there. For whatever reason, he specifically mentioned Bald Runner (BR) to be invited. So I emailed everyone who might want to join including BR who did favorably reply after a few minutes.

So everything was set. I was sure Jerry G. would be suprised. 

Based on our previous run, we had a problem with hydration in terms of source and/or replenishment. So Jerry and I agreed to transport a water container up to 5KM or so mark which is equidistant to both the turnaround and start points. Jerry did all this a day or two before the run.

We met up at Porac Exit of SCTEX on a cold Saturday at 5AM. I was there 10 minutes before 5AM. In a few minutes, Albert, Boss Red and Rinna came. BR and two of his elite runners followed. Albert wanted to run but his ankle was giving him some problem. He decided to crew instead together with Boss Red and Rinna whose 4x4 vehicle could not even go up the steep hills more than 2 kilometers or so from the start. There was this steep, rocky and slippery section. They had to wait for us for 4 hours unfortunately. 

Related story and pictures on BR's blog -  http://baldrunner.com/2010/09/14/mountain-trail-run-porac/

Running with me were BR, Jerry, and the two elite BR runners - Frank and Jack. First few sections were steep hills and I was somewhat having difficulty warming up while the rest seemed in the zone already. As usual, it took me at least 15 minutes to rev my engine.

Hills were challenging bordering on difficult. We must have ran/power walked in several thousands feet of elevation loss or gain. Maybe BR can post on this. Frank seemed to be in good condition as he almost ran all the hills. 

We tried to run when we could and simply hiked when needed. There are things that we needed to do and for me, this was one of them.

The best part was reaching the falls but going there was not at all. My legs sustained a few scratches from overgrown plants along the trail and they left nasty thorny seeds or branches. It was worth it though as the falls provided the much-needed respite. Water was cold and the view  was amazing. Too bad, BR's camera's batteries went pfft.  

The return trip was not easy as the sun was already high up and fireroad was exposed.

We finished in 4 hours plus change for a 22KM adventure and it was worth it. Another best part was the post-run meal. Yum. Let the pictures below tell the story. Jerry, thank you so much for the food!

The following day, we (Noel, Precy and I) leisurely climbed Mt Arayat. Noel had been there before but several years ago and for Precy, it was her first time. We had a grand time and a few beers after the climb at their house. Good weekend.

So, by Sunday afternoon, my calves and quads were shot - a good kind.


Jon (whose main goal is to run Miyamit 3x and the next day climb Mt. Arayat 2x, 3 weeks before the ultra in November) 

Stewed organic chicken with lemon grass

BR, Frank, me, Jerry and Frank

(Clockwise: Rinna, Albert, me, Jerry, Jack, Frank and BR. Taking the picture is Boss Red)

from left: Boss Red, Jerry, Albert, BR, Frank, Jack and me


Noel and Precy at the peak


1 comment:

  1. I envy you guys.

    Keep the flame burning.

    see you soon.
